Articles On Fitness, Health & Wellness

Why You Should Run Every Day
Running is one of the most natural and pure systems for developing balance in your body. There are also a host of other benefits that running ca...

How To Improve Your Morning Run
Have you ever wondered how so many people could enjoy going out for a run at the start of each morning? It’s simple. Running early in the morning ...

Important Tips Before You Start Running
If your gym is closed, you may be thinking about running for the first time. With proper conditioning, most adults can compete in a race or enj...

What Every Weekend Warrior Ought to Know about Fitness
According to many estimates, only 1 out of 5 Americans gets the recommended amount of exercise each week. On top of that, some of them are trying to cram their whole workout program into 2 days. Can being a weekend warrior be good for your health? It depends. Read this article to find out.

The Best Pre-Running Breakfast Options For Runners
If you plan to do a more leisurely, short run, then carbohydrates don’t have to be in huge amounts. You still need some carbs, but protein and fats also need to be in the mix for breakfast.
This article explores what you should have in a breakfast prior to running.

What Every New Runner Needs to Know
Being a new runner can be exciting as you look forward to slimming down and toning up. Plus, it seems so simple. After all, you already know how to run, and there are plenty of places where you can work out for free.
However there is a list of things every new runner needs to know. This article discusses these important points.

What Every Runner Needs To Know About Stretching
Many runners get excited about increasing their speed and distance. However, they sometimes skimp on stretching and other essential elements of a balanced fitness program. This article provides a quick guide on stretching for runners.

Plantar Fasciitis : What is plantar fasciitis? How does it develop and tips to manage plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the plantar fascia, which is a band of tissue on the bottom of your foot. This article discusses this condition and suggests tips and exercises for helping with plantar fasciitis.

Do calf compression sleeves help with shin splints?
Do calf compression sleeves help with shin splints? Shin splints are a very common problem for most runners. In recent times, many athletes have been seen wearing calf compression sleeves as a preventative measure and also for faster recovery. This article discusses whether calf compression can help with shin splints.

How To Prepare Before Undertaking Any Exercise
Stretching and warming up before undertaking any exercise is actually important in a number of ways. For one, it prepares you psychologically for ...

Shin Splints | What Are Shin Splints? Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment
What are Shin Splints? Shin splints is a term that refers to the pain that arises in the shins - the front of the lower legs. This article discusses the causes of shin splints, symptoms, prevention and treatments for shin splints.

What are benefits of wearing calf compression sleeves?
Calf compression sleeves are becoming increasingly popular for use by athletes and runners. They are also used by everyday people daily as they offer a number of benefits. Read to find out why.